SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery

Other Supports & Workshops

Practical support groups that train you to champion your own behaviour change around alcohol and other drug use, Gambling, or any Behaviour of Concern.

Program Duration:

2 hours, conducted on Zoom (Face to Face delivery offered at the Frankston site only) Every Tuesday 3.00pm until 4.30pm

Program Price:


Program Locations:

Frankston & Online

SMART Recovery FAQs

Set weekly goals that work for you, no stigma, labels or judgement, learn practical self-help tools, attend as you need.

Who can complete this group?
Anyone who wants to make a change to any behaviour of concern.

Do you have a Wheelchair Ramp?

Yes, we do, here are the dimensions ….

How long does the program take?
1.5 hours on-line or in person at the Frankston site

What do the sessions involve?
Participants engage in group discussions, personal reflection, and activities to build awareness and work towards making change.

Begin Your Journey

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